3:53 PMDancing in the rain is fun. Yeap, i couldn't agree more. But riding a bike under the rain? It is not fun at all. That is what happened to me. After raining for the whole day, it was really nice. The cool cool weather made me sleep in class. I go home by bike, so i do not like it to rain around 2 o clock. Fortunately, the rain has stopped. The sun was up and everything, and my dad was waiting for me on his bike. Yay! I'm going home early today. =D

This is when God starts playing games with me. It happened in a sec. The wind blewwww~ the rain towards us so fast that i hardly realise that it's gonna rain anytime now. My dad had to stop by the side and wear his raincoat and stuffs, while I put on the disposable raincoat. The plastic kind. And the journey that can't seem to end started. -.-
It was so freakin' cold. And i was wearing my baju kurung today, so yeap, i was soaked. The disposable raincoat didn't help as it tore off halfway, by the time i reached home, i was still wet from head to toe. No effect at all. Haha. Yeah, every gust of wind sends a shiver down your spine. The small, little droplets of rain felt like bullets when you are dashing through the heavy rain. My dad was trying his best to reach home ASAP but it didn't really help. It only made my ear and my legs hurt. -.- My socks were soaked. If you wring it, wee~ water comes down. Haih, I wonder what shoes am I gonna wear to school tomorrow..?
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