Wee~ an invitation to Joel's Ice Cream Party!!^^ Mmmm.. Sounds so tempting, i wouldn't miss it for the world.. ^.^ What a great idea for a party. Ice Cream for everyone!!^^ Sure enough, a lot of people turned up. It's really easy, this way, even the malays can eat together, cuz it's all halal! yay! XD
I went with a dress, and my friends were like, whoa, so feminineeee~! Then i was like.. um.. yeah.. -.- lol, okay, i know i know, im very 'cho-lor' punya, sorry lorr..XD Can't blame me for being that way.. I'm just not that type i guess..
All sorts of flavours, take your pick, people! nyam nyam~~ too bad, BJ people are small eaters, cuz uncle said we didn't eat much, although so many people turned up. There's a lot of leftovers. Joel, you're gonna have ice cream for your breakfast, lunch and dinner, for DAYS.
The crowd. *ngap-ing away~~*The hot and sexy duos! =D Don't worry, you guys are equally hot, so don't fight over each other alright? Phewwwit~~!Mun, Me and Chiew Tsann. Oh thank god, Tsann obediently agreed to take the picture. Fuh~
Hmm, dear Joel, how do you feel like surrounded by girls?
Sweet and innocent girls. Ahem.
Look what happened to the 'sweet and innocent' girls? Went crazy, just bizarre.
Me, my ke ai di di, and Alvin! ^^
Joel's homemade birthday cake. Um.. Not his home, somebody made it for him. It was yummy!
Ah, aren't you just ever so lucky, Joel? 2 HOT girls by your side. Psst, Joel's hot too! =P That was fun, Joel. Thanks for everything.^^ have a brilliant year ahead of you!
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