Happy Teacher's Day + Happy Birthday, Joel!
11:07 PMHappy Teacher's Day!! Yeah i know it's supposed to be celebrated on 16th May, but we were having exams.. hm, what paper was it? Umm.. BM? History? Oh, wait, it's a Saturday. -.- What was i doing that time? Probably studying History.. oh wait, i slept the whole day, cuz i was sick. haha, so anyways, today we celebrated teacher's day!! =D
Look, ops, too small eh? see the white block thingy? That's ice. The blue and yellow shirt guy? That's my principal. And what's he holding right there hm? A freakin' orange hammer. He's gonna smash the ice. We were like, what? o.O Then, 2nd pic. It's probably too small for you to see, but he's holding some green thing. Well, that's the gong-hitting thing. And Bong goes the Gong. Hahahaha, Majlis Hari Guru sudah dimulakan dengan rasmi.
Marlina says 'Happy Teacher's Day!' She's the finalist for the Talentime competition, she did well, but she didn't win. Awww.. She sang Everytime by Britney, which Caryn is currently very crazy over it now. XD
Prefects, the Royalty of our school. These blue blood people are escorting teachers.
Mr Zaki and a bunch of teachers singing. Ladedumdedum~
My darling and I. hahaha.
Whose face is that ar? Aiyoyo. =P
Of course, we didn't pay attention to the speeches. My friends and I were yakking away.. yabayabayabayabayaba~~~ And here they are, strangling each other. hm?
Rombongan ke tandas. =)
Class Partaaaaay!! That's Oliver at the back. =P
Tania, with Add Math homework. We were supposed to hand it in today, but i forgot bout it.. T-T luckily our Add Math teacher, Pn Lim, was kind enough to lengthen the time till.... after holidays.. Yay!! I love you, teacherrr!! ^^
Arif people, and the Pei Li. =D
The Trios. Eh? Missing one guy, Eugene.Mr Lim, Pn Ong, Pn Lim.^^ Oh ya, how tragic it is, Mr Cheah was mad at us, our own class teacher, mad at us, on TEACHER's DAY! i mean, wth? haih, so there's this whole thing bout the MC thing, and parents complaining, and him sulking and not wanting our class pizzas. And me asking him why he dowanna come? And him saying go ask your frens laa~~ And me feeling bad, and.. i dont know. Arif has a lot of cases this year. @@
Teachers VS Students
Happy Birthday, Joel! We're gonna surprise you! =P
This is what Gaik Sim and Mun did for Joel. =D They spent the whole day yesterday making cupcakes.. Nice right?^^
Then, Gaik Sim and I did mash potato! Yummy!^^ *ahem* it actually looks like crap, but tastes... okay la... hehe. =P*making sure it's perfect*
Before the surprise.Ta-daaaaa!^^Make a wish, Joel! God Bless ya!^^
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