Project after school : Go Prangin and SHOPPP!! XD k i never really like going prangin, cuz its really.. erm.. u know prangin. It's like, the old BJ.. slightly better? i don't know. the environment there's just.. weird. BUT!! the stuffs there are cheap. and i just realized u can bargain for lower prices. hmm..
Today's target : Shoes for me.
Dress for Caryn's prefect thingy. =D Chiew Tsann's tagging along.. with no aim. haha.
Caryn's dress! =D hoho.
Chiew Tsann's blouse, that looks like a dress on her. o.O
The blouse that was too big for me. -.- didnt get to buy. haha, eh? no pics of the clothes i bought. o.O hahaha, nvm. =) i lazyyy~
Aren't they cute? =D at Tsann's house. hehe. weeee~ today was a memorable day. we should do this again some other time, although i didnt achieve my target and bought a hoodie and dress instead. lol, wth.XD
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