*yawns* .. wake up early in the morning to go run run for fun. XD luckily didn't join marathon or sumthin. haha, okay, i donno why i said okay to my mum oso actually. i could've been on duty with Wei Yi they all. but, oh well, if i pull out last minute, she's gonna kill me. so.. yeap, run run! we started at Eastin hotel's lobby. o.O haha.
Get set, ready, goooo!
run halfway still can posing. o.O drizzling sumore. hehe.
What's so cool bout this is, all ages,
all sizes,
with or without shoe, we all come together and just run for fun! ^^
and then there are the cheating people that uses shortcuts.
another batch of cheating ppl.
and then there are the balloon uncles, that promotes digi. hehe.
that's the pretty street lamp that looks like a flower. haha, okay, i sorta walked all the way. first half of it, i did jog, but after that... =P i just walked. XD
hm.. that's around.. 9 am. when we were approching QB.
Lam, on duty.
Ruben looking blur. =D Wei Yi half dead, i think? she looked reallyyy pale. XD
finish lineeeeeeeeeeeeee!! hurry hurry, grab your lucky draw tickets! xD weeeee~ finally, can rest my sore legs. =(
Then comes the prob, how to go home ya? my dad dropped us off early in the morning, so.. yeap, we dont have a car, and.. i was seriously considering to walk back d, cuz public transport's just unreliable. sorry. i'm only stating the truth. taxi fare back home was 20 bucks. fuh, damn expensive. =( then mum tried calling my bro, my uncle, my aunt.. hmm, in the end we finally got on the bus at 12.
heyy, not bad la, at least we got on the correct bus, and we had to walk a distance to reach home, but other than that, we made it!
blur face promoting Eastin hotel. XD all in all, ok la, an interesting experience, maybe i'll join again next yr? hahahaha, funny, i highly doubt it though.
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