promise. <3
5:06 PMmm-hm.. holidays are in 4 days, what do i feel? excited? happy? anticipating something? o.O well, no. i'm kinda dreading holidays~~~ crap, wth is wrong with me? haha. this holidays says that, it is the end of our form 4 life, and the beginning of form 5. everyone's gotta buck up and brace themselves for SPM!! and.. during the holidays, there is TC2, again. It's fun, yeah of course it is, but.. just thinking of what we'll go through again? the amount of meetings, the blisters and cuts, the SUN~~ awwww, i just wanna sit back and enjoy my sleep at home. =( haih, and holidays meant its hard for us to meeeeeet!! ahhhhh! =( it's gonna be difficult, but we'll make it through.
Promise me that we will.
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