*yawns* .. wake up early in the morning to go run run for fun. XD luckily didn't join marathon or sumthin. haha, okay, i donno why i said okay to my mum oso actually. i could've been on duty with Wei Yi they all. but, oh well, if i pull out last minute, she's gonna kill me. so.. yeap, run run! we started at Eastin hotel's lobby. o.O haha.
Get set, ready, goooo!
run halfway still can posing. o.O drizzling sumore. hehe.
What's so cool bout this is, all ages,
all sizes,
with or without shoe, we all come together and just run for fun! ^^
and then there are the cheating people that uses shortcuts.
another batch of cheating ppl.
and then there are the balloon uncles, that promotes digi. hehe.
that's the pretty street lamp that looks like a flower. haha, okay, i sorta walked all the way. first half of it, i did jog, but after that... =P i just walked. XD
hm.. that's around.. 9 am. when we were approching QB.
Lam, on duty.
Ruben looking blur. =D Wei Yi half dead, i think? she looked reallyyy pale. XD
finish lineeeeeeeeeeeeee!! hurry hurry, grab your lucky draw tickets! xD weeeee~ finally, can rest my sore legs. =(
Then comes the prob, how to go home ya? my dad dropped us off early in the morning, so.. yeap, we dont have a car, and.. i was seriously considering to walk back d, cuz public transport's just unreliable. sorry. i'm only stating the truth. taxi fare back home was 20 bucks. fuh, damn expensive. =( then mum tried calling my bro, my uncle, my aunt.. hmm, in the end we finally got on the bus at 12.
heyy, not bad la, at least we got on the correct bus, and we had to walk a distance to reach home, but other than that, we made it!
blur face promoting Eastin hotel. XD all in all, ok la, an interesting experience, maybe i'll join again next yr? hahahaha, funny, i highly doubt it though.
Wow, what a pic to start of with. haha. Ah, last day of school! While SPM candidates were taking their EST test, we were.. lepak-ing all around in school. ish ish ish, apa la nak buat. haha. and.. i stalked quite a lot of people. which I'm happy to do so. weee~ =D aiyo, while I'm posting pics here, i'm currently trying to post the pics on facebook too. but error error. ishhhhh. damn annoying. anyways, here are some. many more to come in facebook. =D
Pn Au!! =D haha, bio teacher.
both pia-ing to finish Moral kerja amal. lol.
Me and Mawaddah, 4 yrs classmate. =D hopefully next yr too?
My VERY retarded smile. thanks, wei yi. lol.
Gaik Sim : Muahhxx! =P, Mun : weee?
The guys.
The girls.
what the hell? haha.
lalala~ =P
awwwwwwwwww!!! ^^ first time they both together. haih, damn hard to get them together de. sad sad. but, i caught them on camera this time. =D yay!
The guys. =D
just look at daniel's face!! omg man, I'm so dead. =) hahaha, daniel, u cant delete this pic. everybody's gonna see it. =P
pn haida! ^^
soon wei. =D
Aziz and Jia Jun.
Say cheeeeeese! =D and that's the last of it. wish y'all had a great, wonderful, exciting, memorable...bla bla bla.. schooling session this yr! cuz i sure did. =)
Petrosains show at Summit Mall, Bukit Mertajam. hehe. =)
In the bus~The 3 bergaya punya participants.
After kena halau from the site due to sitting arrangements~ haha. XD
Leng lui!! Tengok, jangan tak tengok!
Chung Ling's Jedi Master. -.- They won 2nd.. congrats. blehh~
Aaaah! tak mau tengok! XDOur team! Yeah yeahh~ =D Oliver n Eugene looks cool.
The whole presentation was superb. =D Oliver and Adrian did a great job. the judges loved it alot and so did the crowd. There were some burning of money, and flameball action! =D
Lunch was at KFC~ hehe, first date, baby? =)
and we're back to cheering with a full stomach. ^^
What was the result? we ended up at third place. haihz, it was quite disappointing, cuz votes were counted, and its not based entirely on the judgement of judges, so.. yeah. it wasn't really fair, cuz somehow the people didn't vote for our team. =( we were running low on votes and that affected our team's position greatly. oh well, sorry. =(
oliver, disappointed. complaining on the phone with.. 'effs'. haha, it was kinda hillarious. daniel's got a recording of it, too bad i can't get my hands on them.
Adrian, disappointed. but still cracking up a smile. It's alright, guys. you guys are winners to us. =) The presentation was near perfect.
mm-hm.. holidays are in 4 days, what do i feel? excited? happy? anticipating something? o.O well, no. i'm kinda dreading holidays~~~ crap, wth is wrong with me? haha. this holidays says that, it is the end of our form 4 life, and the beginning of form 5. everyone's gotta buck up and brace themselves for SPM!! and.. during the holidays, there is TC2, again. It's fun, yeah of course it is, but.. just thinking of what we'll go through again? the amount of meetings, the blisters and cuts, the SUN~~ awwww, i just wanna sit back and enjoy my sleep at home. =( haih, and holidays meant its hard for us to meeeeeet!! ahhhhh! =( it's gonna be difficult, but we'll make it through. Promise me that we will.