Aiya, my mum woke me up earlier just to go fetch my bro from the airport. First time he's on the plane, alone. What an experience. Hey, i've never been on a plane before k? bet its nice. hehe. Kay, this is the last time he's gonna come back and leave. So, its just one more semester before his graduation and he's back for good. =D
Mum so yeng~ o.o haha, lol my bro ar.. he said, sg's public transport is the best, you can reach wherever you want. BUT, food sucks and people sucks. lol, so our first stop was at the hawker's stall, where he devoured PENANG food. =)
alright, then we go potong rambut. hahaha, my bro wanna become my sis d, not bro anymore. I'm prettyyy~ lol.Now I'm handsome. =P
Look so retarded. haha, I realize my bro is really grown up now. Pressure and Independence changed him. ALOT. He keeps on sprouting knowledge till i like, 'Shut up, bro.' lol, he reads alot, and, his whole perspective on the world has changed. It's amazing how one decision can change the whole you.
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