Hmm.. i was really looking forward to it. Hehe, western wor, i like. FISHHH sumore wor.. lagi i like. ^^ wee~ maybe when i grow up, i should be a fisherman. =P
Look! so cute. lol, both heads turned the other way. XD Anyways, what's the occasion today? hehe, my bro chia-ing us to lunch cuz his bday is coming up, yes, this month alot of ppl's bday. lol, XD i oso getting pokkai. XD so, he's working now, his pay is better, so yeap, nth wrong bout treating us to lunchh! =D
My lunch, or breakfast? I think it's brunch, cuz i didn't eat breakfast, i woke up too late. XD It's some chicken patty thingy, with burger. yer.. =( actually i dowan de, cuz i wanted fishhyyy T-T but then, my dad wanted fish, so.. to create a variety, yeah, i had to order the chicken, and i didn't enjoy it. -.- sob, so much for looking forward to this lunch. =(
My mum's spring roll. okay la.. not bad. XD Lol, you know, Bee Chin ordered beef steak, and it was.. so hard that you can't even poke it with the fork, so yea my bro complained and they had to change the steak for her. Haha, hard to please a chef. But really, it was un-poke-able.
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