
This has got to be one of the lowest moments in my life, not getting what I expect to get. My results are actually not bad, it's just not good enough. Lol, yeah, I guess I push myself too much sometimes. I just keep thinking, damn, I've spent almost two years studying for this exam, and all I could do was this? REALLY? Is that all I've got? I can't say that I could've done MUCH better if I actually put all my effort in it, it's just that I know I did study, but one time or other, I did give up many many times cuz there were so much to study and so little time to spare. Admission to private unis should be no problem, most of them only require a 2.5 CGPA, which I definitely exceeded! :P

second day of CNY.

 Second day was not as fun as the first day, but it was alright. :) Daddy had to go back to work already and Clemence can't wake up. -.- sigh, too nany nights of partying i tell you. Just a few shots before going to grandpa's for lunch again. :) I heard today's food is even better than yesterday's!

first day of CNY.

 Good morning, peeps! :D Every first day of new year, I'll be too excited to sleep, cuz I just wanan get angpaos, wear new clothes and meet my relatives! :D However, this year, my brothers went out partying till pretty late, they can't wake up. -.- Our annual tea ceremony was slightly delayed. Anyhow, got on with it, and recieved my first red packet from my parents. =D

reunion Lunch & Dinner.

 This year's new year was bound to be more exciting with both of my brothers back to celebrate. I miss them, honestly. They're all grown up now so they're working and they can hardly come home. So i was pretty excited for them to be back home. :D As usual, we have double reunion meals ; lunch & dinner. Lunch at my dad's side, dinner at my mum's side. All the pictures were captured and edited by my big bro. I didn't take many pics cuz well, my camera's not as pro, and there were really more than enough cameras around. XD


heritage trail volume II

Here are more pictures from Tania's DSLR! =D She's a pretty amazing photographer, most of the pics I post here contain my face, cuz my cam has less pics of me XD I stole them from Facebook, so blame Facebook for its grainy quality. =P For more pictures from Tania, click here! =D pictures are not in chronological order. =) lazy to arrange XD

heritage trail volume I

 This is a belated post of my heritage trail in Georgetown on 2nd January, which is also the first day of school for kids! :D For the second time, (after SPM was the first) I don't have to go to school anymore. And this time, it's for good. =) so glad to have this trip cuz it's also the last day of freedom i have before i start working, more bout my working life next time! XD ALL the pics here are taken with my Canon S95. =D More pictures here. =)

winter warmers.

act cute!! =P haha, this date is because i'm gonna start work soon. =/ sobs. HAIHH gonna miss you! oops,
um, supposed to post this yesterday. it happened yesterday. XD
And we are all stories, in the end.