happy new year!

2:03 AM

 At 1.52 am, I sit here typing away on my keyboard, because I don't wanna sleep yet. It's 2013 already, we've survived the much dreaded 2012 and it was honestly one of the best years of my life. I'm 20 this year, and I wanna make the best of it. Last year, I celebrated new year's in KL, with my uncle's wedding, but this year, I'm close to home, with my friends and family. =) 
 We are a weird bunch, all of us. None of us are the same, and that is how we were built to be. But we've stayed together through our differences, coming together at the dawn of a new year to celebrate the birthday of the youngest of us all, SOON WEI! :D
 This year, many turned up, and compared to two years ago, there were new faces, new introductions were made, though most of them already know each other from Facebook and what nots.
 Still, we played the same old game that tangles us all up, Twister, a gift from Gaik Sim and Mun to me! :D i think. XD spending time with loved ones is just more than I could ask for.
 Honestly, happy birthday to all of us, for leaving our teen years behind and looking forward to many years of friendship. =) 2012 really left an impact on me, I've learnt so many things and met so many people, I really wanna remember this year. So many things have changed in such a short period of time.
With the two siblings that share the same birth date. =)
 We are awesome people! =D and hopefully we will meet up often despite our time constraints, different states and countries. =)
 To many more years to come. 

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And we are all stories, in the end.