9:07 PM
hee-hee. me, vaining at 7.20 am that time, i think. lol, i was alone.. so.. i vained with my kindy uniform, which my aunty claimed to be nicer than hers. XD Yes, vibrant Topkids colours. XD so i worked here for um.. 2 and a half months? it's really very memorable. At first, i was lost, and i dont know what i was doing, i dont know how to teach, cuz i wasnt even given guidelines, so i just luan luan teach.. it's like, die or swim. so i was bullied by the kids, cuz at first their super adorable little creatures and it would kill to scold them. BUT, their actually MONSTERS!!!!!
AAAAAAAAA!!then when u get the hang of it, they actually LISTEN to u. wow.. i'm still super amazed with that. :) It's just, really fun to teach them and be around kids, but sometimes u just wanna STRANGLE them. grrrrrr. XD but of course, i didn't. :P

this boy, is my favourite. :) I love him. He's not in my class, and he's only 3. I teach the 4 year olds. but he's super smart and he's super manjaaaa~~ weeee. I'll always always remember him. :D He's super handsome too. :D
Ying Kai
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