- 11:11 PM
Canon S95! I love youuuuu!
Did it a little test drive, and yes. blur pictures no more! =) I know it is no DSLR, but it has these manual features that i will soon learn to use, to control the lighting n stuff. aiyo, i ask my dad what's this, what's that, he busy watch tv pulak. =( It has an auto feature though. so.. not that hard la. =) heheh. sorry lar.. noob oni use lame cameras ma. heheh. From my Panasonic Lumix 6 Megapixels camera, now this is a MAJOR upgradeto 10 Megapixels. AWESOMEEE! =D For more info, please log on to..
Canon S95! I love you againnn! ^^
- 3:28 PM
- 6:27 PM
*mental note : please start reading newspaper if you are considering to take Mass Communication in the future. =P

Pic by : we heart it
heehee, last night I went prom shopping! =) since my prom is only a week away. The AWESOME good news is that, i finished my shopping in 2 hours. ^^ YAY! Haha, i got my dress and my shoes. awesome. =) RM 130 in total. lol, thanks mum and dad. =) It meant a lot to me. The dress wasnt exactly what i wanted, but it's alright i guess. =) I wanted a white dress. Instead, i got a black dress. Oh well, we can't be too greedy now, can we? =)
heehee, last night I went prom shopping! =) since my prom is only a week away. The AWESOME good news is that, i finished my shopping in 2 hours. ^^ YAY! Haha, i got my dress and my shoes. awesome. =) RM 130 in total. lol, thanks mum and dad. =) It meant a lot to me. The dress wasnt exactly what i wanted, but it's alright i guess. =) I wanted a white dress. Instead, i got a black dress. Oh well, we can't be too greedy now, can we? =)
- 1:51 PM
- 11:22 PM
It is time to pia for SPM!
haih.. officially signing off from the cyber world.
till 8th December then.
Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you Form 5s. =)
<--- I miss my long hairrrr =(
- 5:00 PM

Pic by : Deviantart
It took all of his will to remain silent and still on top of the building. His every cell in his body screaming in protest for him to just take a step forward and fall into nothingness. The wind blowing in a direction that threatened to push him over, still, he stood there ; feet planted firmly on the ground, a blank expression spread over his face, but his eyes could not lie, the sorrow was immense yet nobody seemed to notice.
'Master, we are ready for you,' a small man that wore fabric as fine as his master's spoke with respect to the man who saved his life a few years ago. After a single nod from his master, he turned silently on his heels and returned to his chores. Alexander sighed and retreated to his bedroom. He was slightly shivering from the cold air in the winter season, yet he loved the light brush of wind on his face that would always remind him of her.
Today would be an important event for Alexander. A recognition from the world ; not that he wanted it. His 'manager' insisted. He brushed his thinning white hair and fixed his tie when he remembered what his 'manager' said, 'Image is of the utmost importance'. His hand wrapped around the door knob, hesitating for a second to take in a deep breath before facing the world. He turned the door knob, and with a click, revealing another realm of the world.
The world outside his bedroom was of the modern age. A huge contrast compared to his 1980's furnishing, a Classic French bed, and window panes made of wood; probably from the last chunks of wood that exists in the world. Man had long since broken the code of Science and Technology. Hovercrafts were used as transport, journeys were measured in seconds, lifts and elevators seemed ancient compared to the means of teleportation available today. But none of all these could compare to Alexander's greatest discovery ; Time.
He holds the key to control time.
When movies spoke of time machines, nobody believed it, neither did Alexander. It was the death his wife that drove him to unravel the magic of time. He finally did it, but no matter what he does, time could not bring back his wife. He would turn back time, back to 30 years ago, but his wife would not be there. He smiled sadly, as if God was playing a joke on him, he could turn back time, to undo his mistakes in life, but he could not bring back the dead. He would never feel her soft lips against his ever again.
The crowd applauded upon his arrival and cameras as small a nickel were flashed at him to capture his grand arrival. He did not like to make an entrance, nor did he want to come to the ceremony at all. He was afraid of the consequences that everybody would face, now that everybody could control time. Everybody would be perfect, every mistake could be undone, nothing would be out of place again. It's just not how nature's supposed to be.
He glanced around to see everybody with a thin strand of silver and a black pendant round their necks. That is the key to control time. It is pretty simple Chemistry, really. Well, at least that's what Alexander said. Just a few chemicals, and the amount of reactants used to determine the length of time to turn back. He was surprised that he was the one who made the discovery, this nobody who lived in a small shack by the streets. He was reluctant to share his secret but was soon discovered by his 'manager' that pushed him to do it.
As he made his way through the crowd to the stage, he felt uneasy, beads of sweat trickling down the small of his back and his palms were damp from moisture. A little girl whose ice-cream had fallen onto the ground, just had to press the little black pendant round her neck and the ice-cream would be back on her cone perfectly. What is this madness? Nobody would learn from their mistakes because there would be none. What is the point in controlling time if all of these would happen?
Besides, what are the consequences of controlling time? He was not sure himself. Surely, he was beginning to lean towards the possibility of speeding up the ageing process but would the people listen to him even if he told them that? Greed played in everybody's eyes, time was finally in their hands. Even the phrase 'time is gold' means nothing now. Will he stand by and watch humanity rot into nothingness because of his wrongdoing?
He stopped dead in his tracks and his manager bumped into him. 'What in the world are you doin.. Alex...?' Her words trailed off when she saw the look in his eyes.
'I will not let this happen.'
He pressed his pendant the size of a baseball and nobody but his manager seemed to realize what he was doing. But she was too late, justice will take its cause. For a moment, nothing seemed to happen. Then he had the familiar tug in the gut and everything around him was disappearing, including himself. He was caught between a realm where nobody should exist, where balance took its course, and for a brief moment, he felt her lips brushed against his and a tear trickled down his face.
Everything was in place when he opened his eyes, his familiar lampstand, the dank smell that comes off his bed that would never go away. It was that night again. His first discovery of the black object. Rain was pouring heavily outside and he was smiling like a madman. He had not introduce the secret to the world yet, there was still a chance for this world. He looked down at his hands, and saw wrinkles at the back of his hand. He quickly grabbed a mirror and looked into it. He could not recognise the man staring back at him. He was at least a 100 years old and when he ran his fingers through his head, thin strands of white hair fell off, leaving him bald. He sighed deeply, and made his way to his bed.
He closed his eyes, smiled, and waited for death to find him ; where he could finally see her again.
- 5:39 PM
today, I learnt the hard way that success do not come so easily.
or to be exact, RM 456 + piano class fees. goshhhhh. ouch, I'm so sorry mum and dad.
I tried so damn hard, but there just wasn't enough time. =(
okay, fine fine, i'll come clean.. I was super lazy. i oni started pia-ing last minute and it was too late. I improved, but not enough to pass.
I failed by 3 marks. -.-
haih yeaaaa the examiner was strict, but.. yeaaaaaa okay i deserved the soft, but in a way hard slap in the face.
last minute stuff sucks. like all the exams we rushed for..
We never do learn, do we? Oh well, I'll work hard this time, no slacking off.
SPM, theory exam, practical exam, here i come. =)
I'll be awesome yea?
- 11:01 PM
Wahaha. Another vain pic with lollipop. -.- maaan i feel lala ad. x.x
Study sejarah while eating lollipop! =D i guarantee u that u wont fall asleep. hoho!
Warning : Overdosage of Sejarah = Overdosage of lollipop = Diabeteeeees
Conclusion : Sejarah causes diabeteeeeeees. It is bad for health.
Study sejarah while eating lollipop! =D i guarantee u that u wont fall asleep. hoho!
Warning : Overdosage of Sejarah = Overdosage of lollipop = Diabeteeeees
Conclusion : Sejarah causes diabeteeeeeees. It is bad for health.
- 9:18 PM
- remember that Ms. Tan Wei Yi gave me that superrrr cute lollipop as an attempt to pujuk me cuz she said no to me when i asked her out for lunch. =p blekkk.
- remember that this holidays, I had the worst pimple case ever. as in my whole face was covered with pimples. My mum said this is all cuz i sleep at 1 or 2 am every night to watch movies.. which is bad for your complexion and stuff lidat. Plus, lack of fluid in my bodyyyy... i don't really drink water.. sigh. Please don't be like me yeaa.
- wish all of you 17 yr olds out there good luck, cuz trials is an important exam!
Rock your socks out these 2 upcoming weeks! =)
- 12:17 PM

This dude, this dude, he looks alot like the actual prince in the game.. dam cool weih..
Prince Dastan! =)

Well, the story's mainly about Prince Dastan having had to clear his name after a fraud caused by his uncle. He was framed to murder his own father, the King. Well, nobody believed him until he proved the incredible powers of the dagger that contains the Sands of Time. woooots. =D Where does Princess Tamina come in, you say? Her country owns the magic dagger, it's her country's sacred item. So.. she's sort of like a guardian of the dagger.
- 10:58 PM
Yesterday could be the day that determine the path of my life; the best of it or the worst of it. Of course I do hope that it is for the best. I had a conversation with this dude, my kindergarten teacher's son, lol cool eh, that also happens to be an education counsellor. Well, I've been pretty lost on what i'm gonna be when i grow up because this is the decision that will decide how my life is gonna be. It's not as easy as when your aunty asked you when you were little, 'hey, cutie, whaddya wanna be when ya grow up?' without hesitation, you answer,' A teacher!' with that big proud smile of yours that could light up the world. If you take a look at my choices.. sighhh its pretty darn confusing.
I've always found buildings cool and stuff, and maybe i thought, hey why not an architect? then i worry about the creative part of me. and then this dude explained to me that architecture is not about creativity, it's about technical stuff. like, physics. and some of the stuff that u draw, might not even be accomplished in your a few yrs, due to the lack of technology. well.. i thought about it, it's not so fun after all you knoww.. and.. its like a serious profession, like your building might kill millions of people or not. it's a big job. lol. then i asked him bout interior design.. he said, this is more on creativity, cuz there really is no physics in whether if you put your sofa here or there it might kill millions of people or not. so i'm like.. oh.. wow, cool. haha. XD

I've always found buildings cool and stuff, and maybe i thought, hey why not an architect? then i worry about the creative part of me. and then this dude explained to me that architecture is not about creativity, it's about technical stuff. like, physics. and some of the stuff that u draw, might not even be accomplished in your a few yrs, due to the lack of technology. well.. i thought about it, it's not so fun after all you knoww.. and.. its like a serious profession, like your building might kill millions of people or not. it's a big job. lol. then i asked him bout interior design.. he said, this is more on creativity, cuz there really is no physics in whether if you put your sofa here or there it might kill millions of people or not. so i'm like.. oh.. wow, cool. haha. XD

Early Childhood Education.
Well, if i got into this, i might be a kindergarten teacher of some sort. and i like teaching and kids.. but.. my mum said.. there aint a lot of prospect in this. and im not sure bout.. what this course could offer me. And this dude, well, he didnt encourage me to go into this either. cuz in malaysia, this kinda thingy is more home based. it's not seen as a profession and i might die or rot slowly to my death after my graduation. hmmm.

i guess it's back to square one. I like journalism. and.. from what he explained, about developing my own style of writing and all.. i'm very interested. i like to write, though maybe not as powerful as pei li or tania and eureka, i was thinking.. that could be developed. and cuz i like teaching, this is another form of teaching, in writing. which is cooooool. hehe. and.. my mum keeps convincing me that it suits me and all.. so.. i'm finally gonna go into mass communication. which will then lead me to journalism. =) I hope that this is my final decision and ill like what i'm gonna learn in life. weeeeeeeee~
this dude is, Andy. thanks.
- 6:38 PM
- 6:33 PM
- 1:50 PM
It's me with the big red pimple on the nose! *waves hand*
It's been a long time.. sigh. XD
While my future lays undecided, eg. what courses to take? where to go next? those are the big questions in my head everyday, but i still dwell on little matters like, will my friends still be around after form 5? HMMMM. its sad, yeah but no biggie. it's just the future.
- 1:22 PM

Don't know much about your life.
Don't know much about your world, but
Don't want to be alone tonight,
On this planet they call earth.
You don't know about my past, and
I don't have a future figured out.
And maybe this is going too fast.
And maybe it's not meant to last,
But what do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say, what do you say?
I just want to start again,
And maybe you could show me how to try,
And maybe you could take me in,
Somewhere underneath your skin?
And I had my heart beaten down,
But I always come back for more, yeah.
There's nothing like love to pull you up,
When you're laying down on the floor there.
So talk to me, talk to me,
Like lovers do.
Yeah walk with me, walk with me,
Like lovers do,
*you guys were awesome.
- 12:47 PM
abigail and sonia were in charge of stalls this yr. they were veryyy efficient. i didn't care much except for mash potatoes. hehe. XD
- 10:20 PM