Heheh, since Caryn didn't get to celebrate her birthday this week, since everybody's busy, soooo.. i gave her a little surprise! =D Very little, indeed. hehe. Hope you liked it! =) She just woke up actually, mind her for her messy hair. XD i attacked her home at 10.30 am. Then we just chilled and talked.. ah yeah, jobs! Everybody's on a hunt for a job now. I was supposed to teach piano.. but.. dono boleh or not wan.. cuz i'm not pro.. and my teacher can't find a job for me yet.. so.. took TopKid's number from Caryn. =) going for my so-called first job interview tmr! heheh. =D I'm so excited!!
ohhh. loooook! =D Tan Jay Sern, doing choressss!!! awwww. so cute. hahaha. a responsible man, hm? =P maklumlah, home alone kan.. don't worry. mummy will be home soon! =)
Here's a tweety swiss roll. :D my breakfast. heheh. Tweety looks so fat. o.O
Ruffles! =D how adorable.
I finally watched Toy Story 3. sighhh. initial plan was to watch Social Network, then i left my pen drive at Caryn's... so.. Toy Story it is! =) hehe, had Domino's and lotsa fun. =)
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