Harry Potter?
9:03 PM
How was Harry Potter, you say? I can't really.. um.. I don't really.. em.. The only thing i can say is.. Okay la. Yes, there was a lot of suspense, and it was really.. meng-tension-kan when there were scenes that you just have to wait to see what's gonna happen next. Except that i already know. I read the book quite a while ago, and i can vaguely remember what's gonna happen. So, it was.. okay la. XD But compared to Transformers, HAHAHA =P well, i shouldnt be mean, but i cant stop myself. Here goes, compared to Transformers, its only.. half as nice as Transformers, or less. Ahem, so sorry Harry. XD It's just that, i was waiting for the last battle and.. it just, ended. So brief and short. Hmm.. weird.
Rating : ✰✰✰
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