
6:48 PM

I'm very excited to post bout Transformers, i have finally, FINALLY watched it. But, I have to tell you, what i did before that. So, Alvin fetched me, we fetched Wei Yi, and off we went to Gurney. And the plan begins... heeheeheee.. The plan is to blindfold her and bring her to Red Box, where Lam and the gang would be there waiting for her. Apparently, Lam tricked her into believing he got into the hospital, so.. Wei Yi's devastated. Anyways, whose brilliant suggestion is it to blindfold Wei Yi with the scout's scarf till it keeps dropping off? ME!! =D Well, i thought she loves scouting, and there really ain't no better suggestion, so.. yeap! =P

Wee~ Birthday cake, =D it's Tiramisu? I don't know, it tasted like coffee =x

Surprise surprise Wei Yi! =D Sorry i missed out on your buffet yesterday, this is to make up for yesterday. XD You must be reallyyyy happy right? =)

Oh god, we need vocal lessons.

The Rubik's cube gang! =DLet me join in! =D I've been crazy over it too!
Lalalala~ after Mun left, there's only 3 of us with the mike. XD

Finally, =D Transformers! More than meets the eye! ^^ Look at how long I've waited for this. Since, May 3rd. Ain't that crazy? I've been aching to watch it since it launched, but what with the camps and stuffs, i only get to watch it today. But, hey, first time in Gurney! =D Well, 2nd time actually, but first time didn't count, cuz i got halau-ed cuz i attempted to watch an 18 SG movie, V for Vendetta. -.-

Beware of spoilers.
It was so.. Awesome. ohmygod man, you don't know how many times I went =O cuz the graphics were so Awesome. The grapics were Sick, Sick, Sick. It never failed to amaze me no matter how many times the autobots transformed. And ohmygod man, when the um.. Devastator combined? walaoeh -.- so freakishlyyy cool. When Optimus died, who knew he could be revived back with.. the Matrix. o.o But of course, where's the story if Optimus REALLY died? Then that would be the end of the Leader of the Autobots. Then, wth, Sam talked to the dead Primes. Lol. It's all so Coooooooool. The CAAAAAAARRRRSS!! Camaro, Covette, Chevrolets, Ducatis, fuh man.. sleek. Erm.. but, the ending, when Optimus killed The Fallen with just a few punches? That was weird, yeah, no doubt it was damn 'yeng' the way he punched through his body and grasped him? But it was so short, I thought The Fallen was god or something. -.- Oh well.. =) You can never ask for too much ya?

Featured songs :
  • Linkin Park - New Divide
  • Green Day - 21 Guns
Rating : ✰✰✰✰✰

Autobots, Rollout!

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