Why is it that, this year, our class has a lot of problems ya? Now they said we are racist, and we form groups according to races. Haih, okay, it is kind of true, there are about 5 groups in our class. The malay girls group, the chinese group, the indian group, the guys group which is multiracial, then there are the malay guys group. The thing is, who complained in the first place? Aiyo, I don't want to trade Sonia for anyone else! Then there's Tania and Pei Li behind me, its so easy to just turn and ask Tania, 'What's teacher talking about?' or 'Taniaaaa! Help me with this question!' lol, XD okay, here's the pelan kedudukan, it's not very clear, but.. wth right?


Perpaduan kaum berbilang bangsa di Malaysia~ -.-
- 2:35 PM