6:42 PM*yawns* good morning, ops, sorry, evening people. Despite my 11-hour sleep, I'm still sleepy in the morning. Guess missing a night's sleep has a serious effect on you. haha, today, I'm supposed to go to the Silver Jubilee old folk's home to help my mum's company sell stuffs for my moral project. But the thing is, I have no clothes to wear! =D yay!! lol, -.- then my k-mak suggested to me to wear the new dress she bought for me, which is,
I was like, wth, I'm going to work, I'm not going shopping! T-T But, gosh, I really had no choice, so.. Yeap, i wore a dress, to work. Yay!! -__-"
We sold popiah and hot dogs =D The popiah sold off like hot cakes. Was it because I was the one going, 'Auntyyyy~ ai chiak po piah bo? Special eh, chi te sa kor nia~ Pao chai eh.. Ho liau eh..' (Aunty, wanna eat popiah? :D 3 bucks only, wrapped in vege, veryyyy yummy!) lol, okay la.. don't wanna perasan d.. XD
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