Reading a book, it's like opening to an entire new world. A different world than the one we are living in. Experiencing the words that talk to you, embrace you. Sometimes it's like your own personal prison, locking yourself in this world full of amazements and surprises, free from the reality of the world. If an author can make you go into the book, feel it, laugh with it, cry with it, it's a skill that is hard to get. It is born in these people to reach deep inside you through words. I've always envied these authors, like, Stephenie Meyer(Twilight), Rick Riordan(Percy Jackson), Lian Hearn(Tales of the Otori) and the most recent book i've read, from Cassandra Clark(City of Bones). Their books are page turning and very very addictive. I just finished City of Ashes, and now I'm DYING, literally DYING to get to the 3rd book, City of Glass. Please, Caryn, get it for meeee~~! XD(i borrow books from Caryn ^^) Have you ever, ever experienced that dull aching pain for NOT KNOWING the ENDING?? T-T Gosh, it drives me crazyyy. This is one of the reasons why i hate reading trilogy books, or series, or stuffs that has a sequel to it. I go crazy when I don't get the sequel. -.- I love them and oh, how i hate them.
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