2:57 PM
What I did during the holidays? heheh. Here's some of the things I did.
Catch bugs.
Girls' outing and sleepover.
Caryn's birthday party.
Christmas party.
BBQ & Steamboat dinner.
It looks like a whole load of fun, yeah? haha, wait till you see the no life part of my holidays. :P When I'm not out with friends or playing badminton or shopping or whatever, I'm just rotting at home. I sleep at 1 or 2 am, wakes up at 12 pm, eat lunch and watched these for the whole day -.- :
Pretty Little Liars.
Gossip Girl.
All in all, I RESTED too well for the holidays, never even 'touched' my books. Now, I'm realising that.. my brain is empty. Haih, back to school. gotta continue the hectic life.
And I cut my hair! :D On 2nd of January. weeeeeeeeeehooooooooo.
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