7:42 PM
We went to watch Immortals on 11.11.11. I was really excited about it because it's about Greek Gods and stuff, so I thought it was going to be really cool. But... turns out, when the movie ended, I don't know what to say. Is it good? Is it bad? When you can't decide, it means the movie is bad. Lol. I don't know, some people claimed that it is an awesome movie. But to me, it's just disappointing. Maybe I expected too much, but the whole movie to me, was just weird. I just looked up Theseus, the hero of Immortals, but the whole story was.. different. T_____T Theseus is Poseidon's son. He's supposed to lift some rock to claim his father's tokens, and find his father to claim his birthright. On his journey, he encountered six entrances to the Underworld. And.. in this movie, none of that happened. Except maybe Theseus in the movie slaughtered a weird-human-like minotaur. They didn't even show that Theseus is Poseidon's son, I thought he was supposed to be Zeus' son, but in this movie, he's a bastard. That's all they say.
The headgears in this movie are just weird. Epic weirdness. -.- This bad guy here, he looks like Spongebob Squarepants' Mr Krabby. o.o

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, she looks like some dumb blonde, and she.. kinda acts like one, being the spoilt child of Zeus. Zeus is SO biased. He only loved Athena, and didn't care about his other sons or brothers. At first, I thought she was Hera or something, because the way they two conversed, they sound like lovers.
This is the virgin Oracle. Which in the end.. gave up her virginity and sight for Theseus.
The Gods of Olympus, only 5 of them. Fighting weird looking Titans. WEIRD! AAAAAHHHH. They all look like models doing nothing just sitting around in heaven most of the time. :/ SADS!
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