librarian trip.
11:20 PM18th of July

we, BOSLIB ppl, ponteng school for a trip to~~ SMK Jelutong library, War Museum, and the Aquarium! :D also, a detour to Queensbay. XP

the library was.. abit lame. and it took up quite a lot of our time so we were really bored and we did this.

and they were battling it out! the chinese chess craze among jay sern and chin hoo still lives on until now. Now they play it through iPhone. o.O

Next, War Museum! first time i've been there.

oh, stupid dark narrow scary tunnel. I hate you. that's Teik hui, our head librarian. :D

EPIC picture of the day. *quotes Cookie* :D:D:D

mosst valuable pic everr! just look at the turtle with it's head popping up for fresh air! ughh took such a long time to shoot it cuz it pops it head up for like, 2 seconds!

Kak Ummul, Mr Tan and all the BOSLIB ppl. :D

wee~ :D had a great time! Librarian exam next saturday. oh dear dear.
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