actually, i don't know why our whole gang went, cuz it's mainly for the upper sixes, so we are just busybodies.. wait wait, we're EXCUSES for their prom. yeaa, cuz we are invited, just.. not the main people, despite the name of the ball. XP anyways, i spent RM 0 this time. i'm so proud of myself! :D Dress : Gaik sim, Heels : Mine, Hair : Caryn, Make up : Mummy! ahhhh, thank you sooo much. :D Caryn said i looked better than prom. :P hohoho. *flattered*

Jay Sern : I had food in my mouth! XD oooh right, Jay Sern, Adrian, Angelyn, and Joel performed Terrified. it was the best performance of the night. :)

The Girls. My new friend, Sing Yeh, 2nd from left! :D she sits beside me in class.

budak-budak bj, most of them. :)

my date. :P
- 8:37 PM