- 2:36 PM
yesh! saya nak makan platter. :D nyam nyam. actually one thing that i love most about this platter is, their GARLIC RICE! WAHAHAHAHA. so fragrant. mm-mm. ^^
so today i wanna chiak ho liao! and didnt save on food. =x anyways, our mission was to get mother's day present. people people, remember to reward your mothers! :D
- 10:17 PM

look at this bloggie! :D the skin's nice right? :P hehehehe. today, i was editing this blog's skin. i found this nice skin, then was meddling around with the html codes lor. cuz the original skin didn't fit my bosses' requirements. i like the ribbon alot. :( maybe i shud change my blog skin to this. :P lol, XDXD kidding. this blog is old wardrobe.co! :D it's Caryn's and Gaik Sim's company. there are three employees in this company. 2 ceos ; caryn and gaik sim. and 1 chief design executive ; ME! LOL. ok.. i'm super bored, so they just asked me to help lor. which, i gladly did, cuz i really have nothing to do at home. well, hope you guys are satisfied! :D oh yea, you guys should visit their 'shop' and buy things, they are young entrepreneurs. XD
- 3:56 PM
this is mr. teddy! :D he is my oldest and my favourite teddy bear. he was a gift, from my aunt for as a christmas present when i was.. standard 2? xD since then, he has always always slept by my bed, right beside me. :) it's soooooooooo cute! nobody can replace you, teddy. :)
recently, or shud i say, more than 1 yr ago, i gave it away to this dude. cuz i thought it would keep him company. :D and i want this dude to take good care of him. but, he has to return teddy to me if he leaves me! hohoho. :P anyhoww, teddy has been staying with me for a week to keep me company, since this dude is away. -.- blek. i bring it everywhere in my bag. and it reminds me of this dude. :)
omgosh, teddy looks fat in this angle. =x you gotta lose weight weih!
- 3:38 PM
- 9:21 PM
okay, i know it's ironic, jay sern is in Korea, and im in Malaysia, eating Korean food. -.- hohoho. whaaat, i tot it'd be fun to try ma. my parents wanna chia me for my bday de. this is my family birthday dinner. :P blek.
these are the side dishes. =/ don't really know what the yellow thing is, but obviously the green thing is vege, the red thing is kimchi, and the brown thing is rice crackers or sumthin?
this is my Kimchi fried rice! :D ah, daorae's fried rice was superrrr nice, so i just wanna try if this is as nice as that, but.. daorae's nicer. =x this one super spicy le! T_T but it's still nice and i still wanna eat it. haha XD
bbq pork! :D hehe, nice meal la overall. XD jaysern jaysern, i noe ur having oriental Korean food over there, hope your enjoying. i just have a little confession to make. Joel and I have been thrashing you for the past... 4 hours i think? =x haha, it's nothing REALLY bad, but yea we're still thrashing you. :P cuz i miss you so muchhh that's why i'm thrasing you. LOL. ahhhhh why don't you have wi-fi there? =/
- 11:16 PM
today is.. topkids sports day! :D Caryn wants to go visit them, but i don't really want to, cuz my class wasn't there. i only wanna see ying kai. ~.~ and i was super sleepy today, donno why. not like i slept very late oso. o.O thennn it was pretty last minute plan, i don't know anything until caryn woke me up at 8, and said, drive to my house, wei yi's mum is fetching. i just.. o.o okay. XD
the boy that wei yi was stalking. :D so cute. haha, aiya it was very nice la. met up with my kindy de teachers and all, they were asking how am i, even wished me happy belated birthday. :) it's nice to go back, and the 5-6 yr old kids still remember me. ^^ weeee.
i was lucky to meet yong yi! :D he's my class de. aiyo, super notty la he. but super adorable. he playing iphone you know! LOL kids these days ar.. damn la.
you guys! ^^ i had fun. :D thanks.
- 4:47 PM
okay, i'm gonna go into detail bout yesterday. cuz i had loads of fun and i want to tell the world , and also jaysern :P ! :D so.. as usual, Queensbay, since i cant drive to town. XD Joel and i reached first, and we were supposed to meet up with the guys to watch a movie. I want to watch 'Don't go breaking my Heart' , the movie with Louis Khoo in it? :D I think it'll be very funny. xD and hey, i get to choose right? it's MY birthday. :P howeverrrr, when we reached gsc, adrian n eugene were like, 'movies starting! hurry hurry!' so we just went along, and they said we were watching Rio, so.. i guess it was okay? and.... turns out, the birds actually look abnormally human, lol. there was no animation movie, we actually were watching Scream 4. haiyooooo i tell you ar ini eugene and adrian arrr. lol. nvm la nvm la let y'all laugh la ish. I'm quite violent wan ok.. so gory movies are fine with me, plus it's a horror-comedy kinda thing. blekkk.
thank you Jo Wern for treating me the movie! :D
then then, we went J.co for the yogurt ice cream, there were toooooo much almonds in it. and the nutty m n m's were abit.. weird. x.x
thanks Caryn for treating me j.co yogurt. :D
then then, Caryn and I went shoppingggg. :D we kept trying clothes, and walking out for the guys to see, so it's like fashion show for them. haha, i bought this black blouse. :D it was fun, cuz i haven't done this in a while, and it's nice to have Caryn here to try random clothes with me. :D there was this high waist skirt that i like, =x but i dont think i dare wear out lorrr. T_T
thanks Eugene, Adrian and Angelyn for the present! :D
thenn at 7, we went to makan at Ji Deshi. we had 'chu char' again. lol, it was deliciousss. :P and i curi take this pic when the guys went toilet. oh yea, there was only Eugene, Jo wern, Tong Aik and me. o.O then makan makan all adee, jo wern said he left his house keys with caryn, so.. i ma have to drop him at caryn's place lor. i tot like, aiyo, so ma huan larr need to drop him all the way home sumore, but nvm lor, he no transport ma. then mana tauuu...
surprise! :D
they were all hiding out at Caryn's house to throw me a surprise ice cream party. :D awwww, so sweeeeeeet. ^^haih, then jo wern mock me la, say i so blur all. he said the phone call he made to caryn was fake. then chiew tsann sumore almost blow their cover. and their cars were parked right in front of her house. haihhh -.- lol. i didn't actually think till so far maaaa. :/ nvm la make fun of me la ish. thanksssssssssssssssss :D
you guys! :D thanksss. ^^
thank you wei yi buying the ice cream! :D
thanks chiew tsann for comin eventho u had no dinner, and thanks steph for comin eventho u had to go home at 10 and piaaaa ur last minute homework! :D
so so, caryn had this idea of lala pose. and if we do it all together, it will look very retarded, which, it did. XD
thanks joel for comin up with the idea, sort of. :D
and the last person came, and we took the picture again, lol. hello, soon wei. :D thank you, you awesome people. I had loads of fun yesterday, and i didn't even have a moment to stop and start missing jay sern, so.. yeahh it was really great that you guys made me so happy. i had an awesome day :) I wished he was here, but he can't be here. nevertheless, you guys made my day, and it was so sweeeeet of you. thank you thank you thank you. :) i love you guys. :D
- 3:58 PM
here is the place that joel worked at for.. em.. almost 4 months? :) he served us. and this is also the place that Daniel Boey said that, if you want a romantic restaurant to bring your girl to, this is the one. :D howeverrrr, no romantic dinner for me today, we're going out with our buddies! :D cuz jay sern's going to korea the next day, and he wants to hang with his friends before he leaves. :)
so.. the food was a little pricey, like.. the minimum price is RM 20.90, except if you want to eat appetizers, which was RM 17 like that, but it's just appetizers, so it's not that worth la. XD foood is great though, i ordered this Lasagna Con Pollo, the cheapest, and yeaa tastes awesome. :) then we shared a pizza. :D
me ; happy. :D
jay sern ; driver, blur. :D
at starbucks. o.O i ordered java chip, it's actually niceeeee. fyi, i dont drink coffee, so this is like my first time. haha. XD on 14th April 2011, i argued with jay sern, face to face for the first time, it was not very nice, n i can't argue with people, so i actually just shut up, n looked down, n nodded. it sucked. :( but we're okay after that. :)
- 1:55 PM